It's Crypto Spring… The most dangerous time in the cycle

After nothing but misery for two years, we’re finally back to some action in the crypto markets.

We’re in crypto spring with crypto summer around the corner — we’re coming into the halving, we’re coming into the election year cycle, we’re coming into the cycle of liquidity.

There are new tokens, new opportunities, new memes, new faces… which means there are new (and old) ways to f*ck it up, too.

After a long hibernation, now is the danger zone, as people get excited and make suboptimal decisions.

So, how do we prepare for what might be the biggest crypto bull run yet?

Step 1: Join us at The Crypto Gathering 2024: Don’t F*ck This Up Edition

If you’re into crypto and how the space might develop you have to be listening to the amazing Crypto Gathering on Real Vision. It’s like a window into institutional thinking on crypto, the economy, and how this might all play out…

— Emma T.

“Take a front seat and see tomorrow’s world before it gets there.”

— Alexander M.






Of attendees


To join






+ You


Expect deep-dive sessions on the big picture macro-crypto environment, fascinating conversations on Web3 NFTs, technical analysis, and much more.

Day 1

February 22

  • The Crypto Big Picture
    Altcoin Daily, InvestAnswers, and Michael “Mando” Anderson
  • Improving Market Liquidity
    Thomas Perfumo and Santiago Velez
  • Solana: A Deep Dive
    Austin Federa
  • Polkadot: A Deep Dive
    Bill Laboon and Filippo Franchini
  • What the Charts Say
    Gareth Soloway, Trade Travel Chill, and Josh “CarpeNoctom” Olszewicz
  • Constructing Your Crypto Portfolio
    Ovie “OSF” Faruq and Ran Neuner, with Kevin Kelly
  • The Crypto/Macro Framework
    Jamie Coutts

Day 2

February 23

  • Raoul’s Macro/NFT Thesis
    Raoul Pal
  • Beeple & Raoul: Raw & Uncut
    Beeple, with Raoul Pal
  • From Digital to Physical: The Evolution of NFTs
    Beeple, Colby Mugrabi, Mark Dale, and Jehan Chu
  • Mad Lads: A Deep Dive
    Armani Ferrante, with Sergio “Sergito” Silva
  • Generative Art: A Deep Dive
    Batsoupyum, AC, Arsonic, and Harvey Rayner
  • Constructing Your NFT Portfolio
    AC and Batsoupyum, with Sergio “Sergito” Silva

The Line-Up

Raoul Pal

CEO & Co-founder
Real Vision



Kevin Kelly

Delphi Digital

Ovie "OSF" Faruq


Michael "Mando" Anderson


Sergio "Sergito" Silva

Senior Director Web3

Trade Travel Chill

Crypto Trader & Educator

Gareth Soloway

Chief Market Strategist
Verified Investing


NFT Collector
Team 6529


NFT Collector
Team 6529

Ran Neuner

Crypto Banter

Jamie Coutts

Crypto Analyst

Austin Federa

Head of Strategy
Solana Foundation



Colby Mugrabi


Harvey Rayner


Mark Dale

W1 Curates

Thomas Perfumo

Head of Strategy

Santiago Velez

Co-founder, Block Digital
Co-founder, Sindric Solutions

Bill Laboon

Director of Education and Governance Initiatives
Web3 Foundation

Filippo Franchini

Technical Educator
Web3 Foundation

Jehan Chu

Kenetic Capital

Josh "CarpeNoctom" Olszewicz

Market Analyst & Trader

Austin Arnold

Co-founder & Host
Altcoin Daily

Armani Ferrante

Mad Lads


To ensure everyone who wants to watch the Crypto Gathering can, we’ve got two options for you…


0.00 USD

Watch the Crypto Gathering.

You’ll also get access to Real Vision’s free membership, which includes:

  • In-depth video interviews, expert analysis and discussions
  • Note-taking to record your learnings
  • RV Bot — Your oracle of financial definitions and knowledge


72 USD

12.99 USD
For your first month

Watch all the Crypto Gathering recordings, and get 1 month of Real Vision’s Knowledge level — RV Plus — at an 82% discount.

You’ll also get access to Real Vision’s Plus membership, which includes:

  • The Crypto Gathering live plus recordings
  • Interviews with investors and analysts
  • Daily market analysis
  • Private and group messaging
  • Virtual and in-person events
  • Notifications on platform
  • The Real Investing Course
  • The Crypto Academy
  • Technical trading courses
  • Investor masterclasses
  • Charting tools
  • Economic data
  • Enhanced note-taking and AI support
  • 20 AI bot prompts per week
  • Your own network with fellow Plus members

What the Hive Mind Say

“I’ve found more educational value in the Crypto Gathering and Festival of Learning than I did in entire college semesters.”


“I am certainly more knowledgeable and informed after this. If nothing else, I realize that we are still in the early stages.”

Benn D.

“Take a bow Raoul and Team Real Vision… felt like a fanboy at a comic con. This has been by far the most edutaining conference I’ve attended, virtual or otherwise.”

Bhavya V.

“RV with it’s unique mixed reality lens of tradfi and crypto really brings added value to the crypto space (and actually also the tradfi space) in the form of a more balanced approach and broader expertise than what you usually find in either space separately.”

Haru K.

“Thank you to everyone who made this an unbelievable event. More knowledge share than anywhere else on the planet.

Kevin H.

“This is the beauty of crypto and the internet. They open so many doors. We just need to help everyone get access and education.”

Denzul W.

“How about this Crypto Gathering?! Awesome. Gonna be watching these again and the ones I missed for a while.”


“This was fantastic, particularly appreciate everyone’s honesty about mistakes. Easy to mistakenly assume the experts don’t suffer the same emotional rollercoaster as the rest of us!”

Seema B.

“Loved the informed clear-eyed view and discussion.”

Norman F.

“Thanks for doing this. It’s definitely one of the best crypto gathering / collection of speakers and ideas I have ever attended. Fantabulous…”

Manish G.

“Congratulations Real Vision!! This was an absolutely and incredibly mind-blowing last few days… really exciting and inspiring.”

Benjamin E.

“Real Vision, Raoul, I’m supposed to be working but I spent the entire day listening to this amazing set of speakers. Bravo to you sirs.”


“Wow, wow, wow. This was solid and a lot to take out from this. Just great. Well done.”

Dariusz S.

“You are taking me on one hell of a ride. BooYah”

mfer 134

Crypto Gathering 2024 Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope. If you’re already an RV member, you’ll have access to it all.

If you’re not a member, you can sign up here and watch it all Live, or catch the recordings.

If you register with the Real Vision Plus option, you’ll have unlimited access to the recordings with your membership.

If you choose the Free option, you’ll have access to the recordings for a limited time only.

Real Vision Free members will be able to access the recordings for a limited time only.

Real Vision paying members (Essential, Plus, and Pro) will have continued access to all the recordings.

After your first month at 12.99 USD (which you can get here), the monthly cost of Real Vision Plus is 72 USD.

You can choose to renew at that price, upgrade and save with a longer term (e.g. 3 months for 199 USD), or you can cancel your renewal before the end of your first month.

We get it — crypto can feel a bit walled off to some. You’re either a card-carrying member of the revolution or you’re on the outside looking in. But the Crypto Gathering will be quite literally that — a gathering. 

Whether you’re a crypto novice or a veteran, we will widen your understanding of this revolution. We’re going to help you get to grips with the basics, as well as listen to in-depth discussions on the cutting edge of future projects, along with where the industry is now and how we can all profit from it.

Simply email with any questions that you have…!

About Real Vision

Real Vision is a financial knowledge and education platform that’s brought truth to finance since 2014.

We help our members with the knowledge, the tools, and the network to succeed on their financial journey.

We bring you honest financial insights from the smartest industry experts, along with time-efficient market tools, an AI concierge, charting, note-taking, and access to a powerful community of like-minded investors and thinkers.

Real Vision empowers you to take control of your financial future, whether you’re new to investing or a seasoned pro.

About Crypto Gathering

In June 2020, it all started with the goal of helping everyone (not just insiders) understand the space, where it’s headed, and how we can prepare for what lies ahead.

So we dreamed up this unique experience and, in just 15 days, put together the first Crypto Gathering.

Now here we are in 2024, ready to gather once again…

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