

Return of The Bond King: Central Banks and the Fed's Mistake

Featuring Steven Van Metre and Maggie Lake

November 05 at 3:00PM • 57 minutes



Return of The Bond King: Central Banks and the Fed's Mistake

The "Bond King" Steven Van Metre is back to discuss why, "Biden wants control of your money, the Fed made a policy mistake, and Zillow blew up."



Featuring Steven Van Metre and Maggie Lake

November 05 at 3:00PM • 57 minutes

“Biden wants control of your money, the Fed made a policy mistake, and Zillow blew up,” Steven Van Metre of Steven Van Metre Financial says. The Fed just announced their much-anticipated taper to begin later this month, but it may be rather poor timing and the wrong move. In stark contrast, the Bank of England just dropped a bombshell on the market with their announcement to forget rate hikes and hold rates steady at the 0.1% benchmark, leaving investors worldwide in shock. The “Bond King” breaks it all down on Real Vision Live: his reasoning behind his statements, how these policy outcomes will affect the bond market, and whether he thinks inflation will persist longer than the Fed anticipates. He’ll also discuss how Saule Omarova’s official nomination to lead the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) from the Biden administration affects Fed chair Jerome Powell’s position. Interviewed by Maggie Lake, who will be taking live questions from Real Vision Plus members. Watch Van Metre's latest appearance on Real Vision Live here: https://rvtv.io/3GSCWN9

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