The Real Vision

Minting is... Closed.

The Super Important Allow List Stuff

Real Vision members, Real Vision Genesis NFT holders, token holders from the 9 projects chosen for Season 1, and our launch partners get the first Allow List slots, which are expected to go fast… (well, we do have a community of 1 million engaged people so there is a chance…!)

But, seriously, we really want your support to help us change a small part of the world.

First — You Need To Join the Allow List

You must be on the Allow List to be eligible to buy and mint your new Real Vision Collective NFT Pass.

To qualify for an Allow List, you need to:
  • Hold a minimum of 0.3 ETH in your wallet
  • Follow The Real Vision Collective Twitter
  • Go to Discord and get a role by clicking the “Verify” button
  • Optional: Hold a certain NFT (partner project, RVPC or POAP)

Allow List
*Closes Feb 27*

How to Join Your Allow List

First — make sure you’ve completed the Allow List requirements above.

Next — click the link below that applies to you.

Real Vision Genesis NFT Holder

Available to Genesis NFT holders only. Make sure it’s in your wallet.

Real Vision Members

Available for Pro Crypto and Pro All Access members. (Limited number — so get in fast…!)

Season 1 Community Partners

If you hold an NFT from one of our partners, this allow list is for you.

General Public

Go to this allow list if you are not a Real Vision Pro member and don’t have any partner NFTs.

I think I joined an Allow List. How can I check?

You can check the Allow List(s) you’ve registered for right here. Connect your wallet to see the list you’ve joined.

Don’t see any lists? Click on the link above that applies to you.

As a reminder, Allow List registrations close in…


The Super Important Dates

Make sure you check the correct list for you.

Real Vision Pro Crypto and Pro All Access Members, RV Genesis NFT Holders

Registering for the Allow Lists has closed. You can confirm you’re registered list right here.

Feb 23—27

The pre-mint Allow List is open. Allow List registrations close at 5pm ET on Feb 27.
You’ll need to be on the Allow List to mint — see below for how to join.

Mar 2—5

Mint opens at 3pm ET for Real Vision Pro Crypto and Pro All Access (who do not hold the Real Vision Genesis NFT) can mint at a 25% discount. Mint closes at 5pm ET on Mar 5.

March 6—9

Mint opens at 9am ET for Real Vision Genesis NFT holders. Mint closes at 5pm ET on Mar 9.

March 10

Your NFT is revealed — 10% will randomly get rarity traits.

March 10

Up to $400,000 of randomized giveaways for NFT holders will be revealed.

Minting is... Closed.

Season 1 Partner NFT Holders and General Public

Registering for the Allow Lists has closed. You can confirm you’re registered list right here.

Feb 23—27

The pre-mint Allow List is open. Allow List registrations close at 5pm ET on Feb 27.
You’ll need to be on the Allow List to mint — see below for how to join.

Feb 28

General public mint opens at 3pm ET.

March 2

General public and partners mint closes at 3pm ET.

March 10

Your NFT is revealed — 10% will randomly get rarity traits.

March 10

Up to $400,000 of randomized giveaways for NFT holders will be revealed.

Minting is... Closed.


The Real Vision Collective NFTS

Click to view...

Collective NFT

A mash-up of MFersXCOPY, and Damien Hirst.

Click to view...

Collective NFT

A mash-up of REKTGUYThe Memes — 6529, and Meebits.

Click to view...

Collective NFT

A mash-up of World of Women, Women and Weapons, and Yinkore.

Total Supply

Season 1


Number Available

Season 1


The Numbers...

4,000 of the initial 10,969 will be made available to our existing Real Vision Pro Crypto members and NFT holders at a reduced mint price.

Oh, and if you are an existing Real Vision Pro Crypto member — who does not currently hold the Real Vision Genesis NFT — you get a 25% discount — but there’s a limited number available, so join the Allow List…now.

You can only access the Collective by holding one of the Real Vision Collective NFTs.

Join the Revolution
Become a part of the Real Vision Collective today.


The Real Vision

 © 2023 Real Vision


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