DYDX Valuation Analysis and DEX Perps Comparison

Published on: July 25th, 2023

Perpetual DEXs are in the spotlight in this month’s Pro Crypto Deep Dive. There are some exciting developments in the perpetuals space — with continuous innovation in its designs and an extremely good business model that can generate revenue. The Delphi team digs into 4 projects: dYdX, GMX, SNX, and VRTX, examining where they are, where they are going, and looks at the perpetual DEX landscape as a whole. After reading this month’s issue, head over to the Pro Crypto Discord and share your thoughts.


  • HM
    Henley M.
    26 July 2023 @ 23:27
    Why isn't APEX Pro part of this? Due to being connected to Bybit?
  • MP
    Mark P.
    27 July 2023 @ 03:39
    Thank you Delphi. This is exactly what I joined Pro Crypto for as it was announced in Vegas back in 2021. This style of actionable report has been less frequent than my hopes, but all the content is appreciated. Thanks again and please keep the actionable in depth research coming as this likely new bull market begins to reveal itself.
    • AO
      Artur O. | Real Vision
      27 July 2023 @ 19:24
      Valuable feedback, thank you so much for sharing, Mark.