JKGee Julian ….just what I needed, before a 3 day weekend ….kidding, kidding …. Thanks for the heads-up ….Best
YCThis is a very well researched piece on Covid's impact on labor participation. On the other hand, can we also explore the behavioral changes from COVID with regarding to consumptions? It seems to be reduced labor participation and consumption can cause an uncertain effect on inflation? Would this cause a tight labor market and a low inflation environment if Long Covid becomes more dominant?
WMI think we need to be careful about long covid data at this point. That CDC study details information that is "self reported". It is not unreasonable to assume that many reporting symptoms are not really experiencing covid symptoms but other symptoms from other non descriptive reasons. Additionally I understand the definition of symptoms was from folks reporting issues after just 4 weeks for experiencing covid. Seems quite short given that viral infections can "carry" symptoms well past 4 weeks. I further note that the equivalent UK study ( has a figure closely to 2.5% of covid sufferers having long covid symptoms. Whatever you want to prove on covid or its treatment, there is a study to support it. I don't see covid as being a major issue for the economy, except for maybe one last wave to force mask wearing again. The major issue is the DEBT and the coming financial reset. Nothing else really matters.
jGJulian. you pretty much just trashed 100 years of cumulative knowledge on immunology and virology. I have absolutely no doubt that whatever it is you are calling "long covid" is closely tied to the 40% increase in overall death rates of working age adults 16 - 65 . The question for science is what is causing that? Good luck getting accurate data from government sources. That pot is stirred up a totally screwed. In many places "Unvaxxed" is anyone who's last jab was over 6 months ago. So. Is it the virus or is it Vax thats causing all of this? Is it both? You can have a really shitty virus and a really shitty treatment that makes it worse. please spend the time and watch two professional doctors of ( virology and immunology) testify in the TN senate. it's 40 minutes but it will make you rethink .. speed it up if you are in a hurry. I think your report is important in that it shows we have a problem The economy will take an awful hit. If the current vax jab has contributed to this then it's all going to get a lot worse in a few months when they tell you to go get anther one. ---- furthermore if your scenario does play out with much lower productivity and a very unhealthy population ( and I think you are right ) how do we protect ourselves financially? What do we buy? or are we all just basically fucked at this point? Before I get called an antivaxx tin foil hatter. I went to sea in the early 70's so I am like a goddamned pin cushion and I actually had a little vaccine passport book that was inspected at all the fun places with the wildest diseases.
NRWas this report put out by the Disinformation Governance Board or real vision? “Severity of infection seems to increase with the number of infections” This headline is contradictory to everything I have seen with my own eyes and personally experienced in the last two plus years. Myself and my family have all had Covid 3 times and it became exponentially less severe each time. Re-infection was between a year and 6 months apart. The second infection was similar to a cold and the third was less severe than any cold I’ve had in the last ten years. We live in a country that never had any travel restrictions and low vaccine uptake. All our friends and acquaintances have had similar experiences to ours. The entire healthcare industry has been categorically captured by private interests, from medical journals to the public health regulators. In this environment it would do you and thus your readers some good to confirm the “data” you are relying on to create your framework with the anecdotal evidence that people are actually experiencing in the real world.
DWGood info and sobering. It does seem like the herd immunity hypothesis is rarely trotted out any more by either health authorities or anti vaxxers. Some recent info is also circulating that suggests the mRNA vaccines could contribute to impaired immune response over time. Wishing for good health for everyone.
JSMaybe it's vax injury and not long COVID....
HMI saw this and thought it might add to the discussion.