The Great Monetary Disorder -- Live with Vincent Deluard

After a stellar year in 2020 calling for cheap inflation protection in April 2020 and arguing that rising yields would soon accompany falling stocks in late 2020, Vincent Deluard returns to update viewers on his current outlook and market calls. Post GFC, globally coordinated efforts to suppress currency volatility have been extremely successful, but with financial repression and low rates firmly in place, Deluard argues that the next crisis will not be contained to the bond market and will make its way to currencies. He makes the case that the U.S. Dollar has entered a secular bear market, Latin American currencies are a great short-term trade as currencies still need to catch up with commodity prices, and that Asian currencies will rise as they begin to embrace strong currencies. In addition to this, Deluard will also discuss the places for “sane” investors to hide out considering what he argues is a bubble in stocks and ESG investing

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