RV Blog Emad Mostaque: Ten AI Signposts You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Emad Mostaque: Ten AI Signposts You Can’t Afford to Ignore

This conversation is frankly jaw-dropping. AI is already here, and most investors don’t yet see the dangers and opportunities this runaway technology creates.

Our advice: Skip this blog post and go straight to the video… (or sign up here)… Your ability to prepare for the future could depend on it.

This conversation is frankly jaw-dropping. AI is already here, and most investors don’t yet see the dangers and opportunities this runaway technology creates.

Our advice: Skip this blog post and go straight to the video… Your ability to prepare for the future could depend on it.

Emad Mostaque is the founder and chief executive of the startup Stability AI — a company valued at around $1 billion after a recent $101 million fundraising round.

Mostaque is a former hedge fund manager and has had an eclectic career. Before leading the generative AI revolution, he successfully traded commodities, and advised governments on Middle East strategy and countering extremism.

Now, The New York Times puts Emad at the forefront of the generative AI boom. His vision of bringing open-source AI to the world is close to realization… And it could change everything. So, Real Vision co-founder and CEO Raoul Pal sat down for a conversation that filled him with both terror and excitement.

What’s the Big Deal?

Generative AI is a huge leap forward and uses ‘attention’ models to create new images, text, audio, video, and other digital outputs. It does this almost instantly and at a very low cost.

The Big Picture

Multiple economic, political, technological, and demographic super-trends are coming at humanity. AI is at the front of this, and it’s upending the creation and delivery of humanity’s information.

It’s unprecedented. It’s exponential. And it affects everyone at a pace that Raoul calls “f*cking staggering.”

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Ten Key Issues That Emad Discussed

  1. It’s already here Stability has already launched generative AI models that are small enough, fast enough, and cheap enough to run on consumer devices. This gives everyone the ability to speak or write images, songs — and eventually videos — into existence.
  2. Creative destruction — The revolution is starting to play out in digital creativity. AI can produce limitless volumes of high-quality images, text, and other outputs — and for next to nothing. Does this bring the value of human creativity into question, or can it unlock new forms of human expression?
  3. AI has learned to dream — In the Big Data age, we had massive datasets and we told computers the rules. Now AI is creating self-supervised learning algorithms that learn and create new rules, across multiple domains.
  4. AI is already in consumer devices — The technology is here, and companies are already integrating it into popular apps. The chipsets needed to run the new AI models have been rolled out — unannounced — and could be inside devices you already own.
  5. AI is both dangerous and inevitable — While big tech is working on “AI for everything,” Emad believes we can stop bad AI with better AI… And he is working to create more egalitarian models of development.
  6. The geopolitics of AI — Western rival powers such as Russia and China are ramping up their supercomputer and AI capabilities. Emad believes that they already have far more advanced versions of the technology than what is widely available.
  7. AI for the people — Emad’s mission is to build AI as a ‘public good.’ No one else has the experience, vision, or expertise, so he is leading the charge himself.
  8. Open, decentralized AI — Emad’s vision is to give every person, company, nation, and culture their own AI models. These can be constantly updated and run locally, away from an increasingly centralized internet.
  9. The core conflict — Humanity must choose between private or open-source AI. This might not seem like a big issue, but it has huge implications for the direction AI technology takes.
  10. A positive vision — Looking beyond the obvious dangers, Emad is very focused on providing solutions. He believes that “open-source AI is better AI” — and that it can de-risk a technology with the potential to do serious harm.

It’s incredibly important that people understand what’s happening, the speed at which we’re moving, and where this could go.

We call it The Exponential Age and Real Vision is your guide to the future as it unfolds. That’s why you need to drop everything, sign up and watch the interview.

It’s that important.

Afterward, drop us a line at essential@realvision.com and let us know where you are on Raoul’s Terror/Excitement Index.

It’s incredibly important that people understand what’s happening, the speed at which we’re moving, and where this could go.

We call it The Exponential Age and Real Vision is your guide to the future as it unfolds. That’s why you need to drop everything and watch the interview.

It’s that important.

Afterward, drop us a line at essential@realvision.com and let us know where you are on Raoul’s Terror/Excitement Index.