Cathie Wood
CEO, CIO and Founder of ARK Investment Management LLC
Cathie Wood is considered one of the world’s best stock pickers and innovative thinkers. She is the founder of ARK Investment Management LLC, a global asset manager specializing in thematic investing in disruptive innovation.
She first appeared on Real Vision in March 2018, discussing the genomics revolution, and has appeared on Real Vision a total of 9 times.
Who is…
- With more than 40 years of experience identifying and investing in innovation, Cathie founded ARK to focus solely on disruptive technologies (like robotics, genomics, and blockchain) while adding new dimensions to research.
- As CEO, CIO, and Portfolio Manager, she led the development of ARK’s philosophy and investment approach and has ultimate responsibility for investment decisions.
- Prior to ARK, Cathie spent twelve years at AllianceBernstein as CIO of Global Thematic Strategies, where she managed over $5 billion. She joined Alliance Capital from Tupelo Capital Management, a hedge fund she co-founded, which managed approximately $800 million in global thematic strategies.
Cathie Wood in Conversation with Kiril Sokoloff
13D Research & Strategy founder and CEO Kiril Sokoloff welcomes long-time friend and the world’s greatest innovation investor in public markets Cathie Wood, founder and CEO of ARK Investment Management LLC. Drawing on her professional and personal life experiences, Wood shares how they have shaped her perspective on the rapidly evolving exponential trends that will disrupt the investment landscape—and sooner than many expect.
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Cathie Wood on Real Vision
Who is Cathie Wood?
Cathie Wood is one of the most talked about fund managers in finance due to her stock-picking power (she beat all other stock pickers in 2020) and her company’s impressive returns.
The rock star manager was at AllianceBernstein when she wanted to start an actively managed ETF but the suggestion didn’t go anywhere, so she funded ARK with $5 million of her own money in 2014. By October 2020 her stake in the firm was worth about $250 million.
Instead of analyzing the market sector-by-sector, Cathie looks across industries by 5 key innovation platforms: artificial intelligence, energy storage, robotics, DNA sequencing, and blockchain. Since she founded ARK, it has earned almost 2.4 times more than the S&P 500 and 1.7 times the Nasdaq, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
What is Cathie Wood Known For?
Cathie is known for her focus on disruptive technology and for having the best-performing ETF among 584 funds with at least $1 billion of assets in the global equity market.
She is also one of the biggest supporters of Elon Musk’s Tesla. Cathie called for Tesla stock to climb to $4,000 when it was trading at $300 in 2018, and she predicts the electric car company will someday be valued at over $1 trillion.
Cathie has been recognized as an influential fund manager across various outlets. In 2018, editors at Bloomberg acknowledged her by selecting her to its second annual Bloomberg 50 list of people across business, entertainment, finance, politics, technology, and science who have defined global business.
Additionally, Fortune named Cathie to its exclusive roundtable of experts in the annual Fortune Investors Guide: The Best Investing Advice for 2019 From Fortune’s Experts.
Cathie Wood… In Her Own Words
In her 9 Real Vision appearances since 2018, Cathie has never been afraid to make fearless calls and statements about the world we’re growing into…
Cathie Wood On… Founding ARK
“I feel that I was put on Earth to do this, that if I had retired at 57 instead of starting ARK, that I would not be a happy woman.”
Cathie Wood On… The S&P 500
“If you take the S&P 500 and you look back to its earliest days, the average lifespan of a company was 100 years. Today, we’re down to 20. And we think that is going to drop towards 10 years, perhaps below 10 years.”
Cathie Wood On… Creative Destruction
“There’s going to be tremendous disintermediation and disruption generally. We see the energy sector in harm’s way, financial services certainly in harm’s way, any industry touching the internal combustion engine and its suppliers in harm’s way, anything really physical in harm’s way to some extent.”
Cathie Wood On… Tesla
“We believe that the reason there’s such a big inefficiency in Tesla’s valuation is the short-term time horizon of analysts and the wrong analysts following it.”
Cathie Wood On… AI
“AI, talk about a deflationary force. AI training costs are dropping 68% per year. Think about that. 68%– talk about a deflation— and this is going to touch every sector, every industry, every company.”

Real Vision Members on Cathie Wood
“Excellent interview. would love to hear more from Cathie. This type of cutting edge info is extremely interesting. Well done.”
– Justin M.
“Wow fascinating story. I’ve heard a lot about Car-T and gene editing but did not fully understand the story. This is easy to digest [to] learn about the space. Fantastic!”
– Claire S.
“This is why we come here. This is what makes Real Vision special”
– Gilles J.
“Legends at work, amazing.”
– George L.
“A fan since the start of ARK – what a humble, smart, generous and noble person.”
– Inderpal K.
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