Entering the Endgame of Blockchain Scaling

Published on: December 16th, 2021

Welcome to the first-ever deep-dive report on Pro Crypto, the new service launched by Real Vision in partnership with Delphi Digital. This Deep Dive (seriously, it’s deep) is all about the land grab for blockspace and the battle for dominance between multiple L1 & L2 networks. Warning: Plenty of technical terms are inside, but if you’re already deep into the space, this report is an eye-opener on the current state of the blockspace nation.


  • AA
    Albert A.
    18 December 2021 @ 23:50
    I guess the next question is when might we see a token for Celestia?
    • BT
      Bill T.
      17 January 2022 @ 21:27
      another token to watch...another token that takes flows from ETH (sol, luna, dot, avax, what else?).
    • CX
      Cam X.
      20 December 2021 @ 12:55
      Had a look on their Discord FAQs and it seems like they plan on PoS - no timeline & they’re launching testnet next year. Probably no token in the immediate future. Here’s the excerpt from Celestia’s discord: “ **Will Celestia have a token and if so, what will it be used for?** Yes, Celestia will have a token that will be used to secure the network via Proof of Stake, and to pay for transaction fees on the network. We plan to implement a fee-burn mechanism similar to EIP-1559 in Ethereum so that burnt fees will offset new token issuance as Celestia gains adoption.”
    • JR
      Jean-Philippe R.
      20 December 2021 @ 04:44
      I am wondering the same. Who will be able to get their hands on it as well is a question i have...
  • MP
    Mark P.
    19 December 2021 @ 00:09
    Excellent content. Thanks.
  • ZY
    ZHENG Y.
    19 December 2021 @ 10:31
    For those want further reading on rollup. But i guess the author is a ETH Maxi, but on technical side still objective. https://link.medium.com/U9eAz9416lb Vitalik Endgame blog post: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/12/06/endgame.html
  • Gd
    Gabriel d.
    20 December 2021 @ 23:39
    Great content! Learned a lot, thanks.
  • EC
    Edward C.
    21 December 2021 @ 09:03
    Think I need to read this a few more times to digest the content! Thank you!
  • PC
    Pino C.
    21 December 2021 @ 20:22
    Interesting read. Where does KDA fit in? (Kadena)
  • SC
    Sebastien C.
    22 December 2021 @ 19:15
    Interesting ! Whatabout cardano please ?
  • AC
    Andrea C.
    27 December 2021 @ 12:03
    It would have been useful to dig a little bit into the realized throughput data as the realized throughput can be a misleading metric. For instance Solana seems to stand out against its competitors based on that metric, but unfortunately things are not so simple.
  • WD
    William D.
    27 December 2021 @ 22:27
    Learning the space for business decisions and not politicking for any particular blockchain brand, trying to gain understanding… Hedera Hbar is not listed in the report. Hbar solution has +10,000 tps as a L1 DLT plus a low consistent gas-fee structure but curious missing from the discussion. Any reason it would be omitted? I also agree on the request for Cardano coverage. it is my understanding that IOHK was selected by the EU digital wallet initiative and is using SSI architecture on the Cardano chain. The potential is 500 million ADA users.. I think that warrants coverage :)
  • JM
    John M.
    1 January 2022 @ 12:44
    Is Radix not on your radar? It is the only project I know that actually has solved the trilemma (not just scalability). More specifically it uses sharding but is the only one that has cracked cross-shard atomic composability, which is the holy grail. For analysis of the different Layer 1 alternatives see this chat on Telegram https://t.me/radix_dlt/327484
  • GB
    Gavin B.
    4 January 2022 @ 01:26
    Loved this report. Super informative and puts a lot in perspective for me. I'm also curious to hear where Cardano stacks up on this and slightly more selfishly, Elrond. I'm trying to piece together where this all goes from a user interface perspective as well. I can appreciate that the biggest hurdle currently is scalability but living with multiple rollups across multiple blockchains seems to continue to exacerbate usability problems and liquidity dispersion. Anyone have thoughts on how this begins to start looking invisible to the end user of these chains?
  • ka
    keenan a.
    17 January 2022 @ 18:47
    maybe im mistaken, but it looks like these reports are free on delphis website
    • GR
      Gerrit R.
      19 January 2022 @ 07:51
      Yes, it is available for free for anyone https://members.delphidigital.io/reports/l1-vs-l2-entering-the-endgame/ Should get some exclusive Delphi reports as value add for RV Pro Crypto, e.g. https://members.delphidigital.io/reports/nft-insights-2-the-magic-ecosystem-phantabears-rise-up/ https://members.delphidigital.io/reports/yield-strats-42-stablecoin-farm-new-money-market-eth-pools-and-airdrops/ https://members.delphidigital.io/reports/ens-decentralized-domains/
    • ka
      keenan a.
      17 January 2022 @ 18:56
      and the last flash update was posted on twitter lol. im hoping this won't be on going as they get pro crypto up and running. cause what would be the point in paying if its mostly all freely available
  • BT
    Bill T.
    17 January 2022 @ 21:25
    A bit over my head. Too technical for me, which is good. learning lots. So basically rollups, DA, zk-rollups, sharding, are all ways to address blockchain congestion/speed/high fees, etc?? but without sacrificing security or there is some sacrifice?
  • GR
    Gerrit R.
    24 January 2022 @ 07:44
    @Delphi: Why wasn't Cardano/ADA included? It's currently #6 marketcap before Solana, Terra, Cosmos, Polkadot, Algorand etc (all of which are mentioned). Seems like a miss.
    • ka
      keenan a.
      4 February 2022 @ 21:44
      probably due to the lack of adoption and use.