“How High, Sir?”

Published on: March 28th, 2024

It is impossible to budget for the unknown. Incontrovertibly, a new “known known” has raised its ugly head. Defence spending is rising as a percentage of world GDP. A lot. Below we contextualise what “a lot” is and make some unsettling assumptions about both the sums of money involved and the strategic difficulty of re-imagining military capacity for C21. Peace dividend no more. Regrettably, grist to the mill of deglobalisation, oscillation and fiscal dominance.


  • MA
    Martin A.
    1 April 2024 @ 06:04
    Thanks for an excellent piece Julian. The path towards conscription is a no brainer for a Swede. But the the potential defense spending will be met with even more infrastrucure investments. The ripple effect on other industries open up great opportunity for investments.