Pro Crypto Discord Distillery Volume 16

Published on: October 19th, 2022

Welcome to the 16th issue of the Distillery: Discord Edition… This issue covers several important topics, including several key factors that will be instrumental in deciding the outcome of the Ukraine/Russia conflict, a definitive timeline of NFTs on Ethereum, potential signs of a Fed pivot, how it could play out if they continue on a path of balance sheet expansion, and so much more. But first, did you know Pro Crypto members now have access to Macro Insider Talks? You can view the latest episode right here:


  • JB
    Jay B.
    26 October 2022 @ 20:38
    In a world of silent rabbit holes and echo chambers of assholes on twitter. I don't thing y'all have recognized the power of this piece. It's a sieve that I'm looking forward to see how it develops as it harnesses the power of what makes RV RV. Push this. There are no douche bags (other than myself) and no one is selling anything (other than how fucking smart they are).