Reopening: A Macro Question - Live with Naufal Sanaullah

The reopening is in process. Little by little, nations around the world are trying as hard as possible to get back to business as usual. And while pictures of packed beaches, streets and stores may seem encouraging to some, they also bring up a slew of questions that must be addressed. For example, how long will we be living with versions of social distancing/lockdowns? What impact will they have on economic activity? How quickly do we bounce back? And, perhaps most importantly, what fiscal and monetary policies will remain in play as we move forward? To fully understand these dynamics, a trip into the profundities of macroeconomics becomes necessary. To this end, Naufal Sanaullah, chief macro strategist at EIA All Weather Alpha Partners will be joining us on this segment of Real Vision Live. He will be our guide into the many unknowns of what awaits us on the other side of COVID-19.

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