RV Blog Risk and Trading: The Series With Mark Ritchie II

Risk and Trading: The Series With Mark Ritchie II

Risk and Trading with Mark Ritchie II

Four market wizards and 15 ways to use risk to your advantage – featuring Mark Minervini, Peter Brandt, Tony Saliba and Mark Andrew Ritchie

Recently, we launched a special Real Visionaries series led by Mark Ritchie II of RTM 3 on understanding, managing and using risk to beat the markets.

This series featured incredible guests including the Daily Dirtnap’s Jared Dillian, Minervini Private Access’ Mark Minervini, Mercury Digital Assets CEO Anthony Saliba and Factor Trading’s Peter Brandt

Real Vision members loved the series, so — given current market conditions — we thought we’d share some of the key takeaways.


Whether markets are going up, down or sideways, you want insights from Mark Minervini. Considered one of America’s greatest traders, Mark takes an unemotional and systematic approach to his trades and his success making them:

Takeaway #1

Find low risk entry points or points where you will know very quickly if you are right, or if you are wrong — and if you are wrong, just get out.

Takeaway #2

When you do get into a trade, know beforehand when you are getting out of that same trade

Takeaway #3

Never put on a big size until your smaller size is already working… the market can keep you wrong longer than you can keep solvent

Takeaway #4

If you treat your gains like house money, just like in poker, the house will always take it back. In other words, know when to take your gains and don’t keep trading on them.


Peter Brandt is known for his research and classical charts, and as a late adopter to bitcoin. His Factor Report is read by some of the market’s top traders.

Takeaway #1

Follow the Pareto Principle: 80% of your money will come from 20% of your trades

Takeaway #2

Set up your portfolio so your losses are small — a good win rate is 45 to 55% so you have just as good a chance at having a winner as you do a loser

Takeaway #3

Be patient with your winners—a trade that becomes a winner right away, is likely to continue to be

Takeaway #4

Don’t be a bitcoin maximalist. Look at it as a company, would you want to be in a company that does 500% return on shareholder assets one year, and is down 80% the next year


Tony Saliba cut his teeth in the options market, learned his lessons and then used them to make his millions by building several successful businesses.

Takeaway #1

Learn to apply the lessons learned trading a stable stock, to a volatile one.

Takeaway #2

Success takes discipline, REAL discipline (knowing when you are going to get into and out of your trades) and doing your homework on what you are trading

Takeaway #3

Identify weaknesses and needs, and then go and build a business by filling or fixing them.


Mark Andrew Ritchie made his money during the volatile 1970’s. Here are some of the lessons he learned, that we can use today.

Takeaway #1

Learn to lose money like a pro—if you don’t know how to lose, you will lose big

Takeaway #2

Trade smaller. Not only are you protecting your capital, you’re protecting your confidence

Takeaway #3

The truth is never altered by the opinion of the crowd, the price IS ALWAYS altered by the opinion of the crowd.  So make sure you are trading based on your own decisions

Takeaway #4

Ask yourself should you be a trader or are you better off letting someone else do the trades for you. If you do want to trade, you MUST have a system for risk management

There are many, many more takeaways in the entire series. What subscribers are saying:

Hans T.

“I am SO GLAD that RealVision and Mark Ritchie are putting on this series. As a trader myself, this is what people should hear, digest and use to improve their trading. Brilliant!”

Kay T.

“wonderful video on the principles of trading/risk management – bravo for this series!”

james l.

“So much wisdom in this interview I’ll have to watch it a couple more times to really have those lessons sink in.  A huge thanks to Mark and his guests for helping me to ID where I’ve gone wrong and what I need to do to fix it.”

Indranath M.

“Pure gold!!!”

We hope you found these takeaways valuable… feel free to share them…! And if you’re not a Plus member and want to watch the entire series, you can join Real Vision Plus right here.

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