Bringing Tontines Back from the Dead

If you’ve heard of tontines, chances are what you know is colored by stories of century old death pools plagued by murder and deceit. It probably even makes sense to you that this product with almost five centuries of history fell out of favor in the early 1900’s. But what if the reason why tontines lost their popularity had nothing to do with the murder-inducing incentive structure of tontines and, in fact, had more to do with the abhorrent behavior of insurance companies? Dean McClelland, CEO and Founder of TontineTrust, sits down with Real Vision’s Max Wiethe to explore the problems plaguing public and private retirement solutions, the rise and fall of tontines as an insurance product and funding mechanism, and the technological advances McClelland is incorporating into his modern tontine that he proposes as a viable alternative to private annuities and public pension structures. Filmed on January 28, 2020 in New York.

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