Flash Update – October 19th, 2021

Published on: October 19th, 2021

Equities have been assailed by rising short-term rates, a fairly strong USD, the uncertainties of China’s handling of the Evergrande debacle… and still failed to crack. Clearly, FOMO and TINA are still at play. USD strength may now be beginning to roll. If so, it is time to re-enter some combination of precious metal and mining plays.


  • MD
    Michael D.
    19 October 2021 @ 23:44
    Is there a preferred platinum ETF that one can use to express the platinum trade? Is so, corresponding levels?
    • BK
      Brian K.
      20 October 2021 @ 02:39
      Aberdeen’s etf—PPLT
  • DD
    Diane D.
    20 October 2021 @ 01:13
    lost 20 K in the NMG play called out
    • DD
      Diane D.
      24 October 2021 @ 00:56
      The NMG was in the video and I never blamed anyone except myself. No clue what your taking about. I take responsibility for all 490 K of my losses. Your input was a waste of time.
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      20 October 2021 @ 14:59
      Im sorry Diana. I cant place the NMG trade you are discussing. Can you be a little more specific?
    • MG
      Miguel G.
      20 October 2021 @ 12:40
      I dont recall Julian or Raoul recommending a NMG trade ever to be quite frank. Both Julian and Raoul have been vocal about macro being slow right now and the dollar needing to find some sort of top. If you lost money on a trade maybe use it as a lesson to learn from instead of pointing the finger at someone else for your set back. We need to hold ourselves accountable for our mistakes and not take the lazy way out by blaming others. Do better be better, your P&L will thank you later. Trust me Ive been there.
  • WM
    William M.
    20 October 2021 @ 13:26
    When Julian talks of buying Platinum and Silver for 4 & 3 to one target profits I assume he is talking about futures? If it was calls I assume he would have specifically said so. I do not trade futures and am already in the mining indexes so can get reasonable gains on the metals. However it would be useful to have clear instructions on investment approaches other than futures.
    • DD
      Diane D.
      24 October 2021 @ 00:51
      Sure would be. This has been of no value wst so ever.
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      20 October 2021 @ 14:58
      I think the 3:1 and 4:1 are based on the price of the Silver spot. Of course, this is pretty tightly linked to futures, and less tightly linked to silver stocks or ETFs. We are very careful to avoid discussing absolute size of trades cos we cannot know your personal risk tolerance or preferences. So you are right, the argument regarding risk-reward is based on silver spot or futures. But if you like a particular ETF or silver miner, you should take a look at the chart and think about where you would put the stop, and what target would be consistent with the risk reward in spot. Usually for single stocks one might hope for a bit of operational leverage, so I can imagine you might be a bit more optimistic in your risk-reward.
  • ji
    joe i.
    20 October 2021 @ 14:19
    Thanks J, every time time you say go short I have done the opposite been a good trade thanks again. I think up here is a good point to start layering into any shorts and even then they will be short - shorts like above the knee shorts ;)
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      20 October 2021 @ 14:58
  • ED
    Elias D.
    20 October 2021 @ 21:33
    Is there a suggested split across the positions recommended, or should they be split equally? Also, is there is a recommended percentage allocation of total portfolio that they should take?