In Focus Trade Portfolio – November 1, 2022

Published on: November 2nd, 2022

This publication is your ‘go-to’ to view a summary of trade recommendations proposed by Julian and Raoul in their respective In Focus pieces. Each month, we update the performance of these trade recommendations, adding and removing trades as per the advice given in any In Focus publication or Flash Update.


  • CJ
    Clinton J.
    4 November 2022 @ 02:25
    Gentlemen, Thanks for sending this out. Would you kindly revise the Tesla reporting so it is accurate? I believe this is the third month or so the report has not accounted for the stock split. Obviously the team is busy, and I hope this is not too much to ask.
    • MD
      Mike D.
      4 November 2022 @ 19:53
      It's not too much to ask for numbers to be accurate. Anyone in the business would be at risk of losing their job for repeatedly reporting inaccurate numbers to their executive staff (which, as Pro members, we are). Busy is no excuse for sloppy work.
  • JL
    John L.
    4 November 2022 @ 15:35
    Also the spx puts reached the stop loss levels, as discussed Incredibly disingenuous to keep them in the reporting as a win...
    • JM
      John M.
      14 November 2022 @ 19:41
      The exact stops seem to be unclear - there was a stop but not at an exact level which the index barely touched - also was unclear whether to exit the puts as soon as the index reached 3600 or whether we would assess an exit below that level.
  • AK
    Alexander K.
    4 November 2022 @ 15:49
    Kudos to Jules this month. Totally smashed it out of the ball park with those 2 SPX puts. well done boss!!
  • AN
    Anh N.
    4 November 2022 @ 15:58
    How hard would it be to set up a paper account to implement these trade ideas with their proper suggested sizing, and post the end of month statement instead of this report? Personally, I don't find the "returns" reported here paint the right picture. The 2 year and 10 year Futures are marked at -0.7% and -2.1% respectively, but those of us who put that trade on feel a much bigger pain than that. Real Vision has taught us that a trade idea itself is not enough, but sizing and its place in the overall portfolio are also very important factor. It feels to me that this is a very appropriate place for that concept to be applied and for us to learn from.
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      1 December 2022 @ 19:56
      Will have a word.
    • AH
      Anthony H.
      21 November 2022 @ 07:49
      +1. @Harry @Raoul please try!
    • MD
      Mike D.
      4 November 2022 @ 19:51
      Absolutely correct. Excellent suggestion. This sort of understatement of results has annoyed me for some time now. Thanks.
    • AN
      Anh N.
      4 November 2022 @ 16:01
      -2.80% and -7.28%, my bad
  • LA
    Lucia A.
    4 November 2022 @ 16:09
    I have a question as someone new to Macro Pro and relatively slightly new to the space, regarding the Buy recommendations for equities with falling prices. Do we set a lower buy order price for the equity from it's current price? Or somehow short it? Or???? Thanks!
  • AK
    Alexander K.
    8 November 2022 @ 10:42
    Hey Guys is there any chance we could create a similar Crypto portfolio for Crpyto Pro members? Thanks, Alex K