In Focus Trade Portfolio – September 1st, 2021

Published on: September 1st, 2021

Summary: This publication is your ‘go-to’ to view a summary of trade recommendations proposed by Julian and Raoul in their respective In Focus pieces. Each month, we update the performance of these trade recommendations, adding and removing trades as per the advice given in any In Focus publications or Flash Update.


  • RA
    Rob A.
    1 September 2021 @ 23:58
    What instruments are “Chilliz” and “Rally” please anyone? And what is the thesis with these?
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      2 September 2021 @ 00:30
      Doh! They are Social Tokens and Raoul writes about them in the last Deep Dive dated 27th August. The absurd thing was I was just reading that particular Deep Dive! Anyway, Rally is a legally compliant, decentralized, full stack platform based on the Rally token. Chiliz is a platform for sports teams to create community governance tokens. Im not an expert in this space but, for what little my opinion is worth (very little!) I think RP is onto something. A very thought provoking piece.
    • HM
      Harry M. | Real Vision
      2 September 2021 @ 00:23
      Rob, I have to say you have me flummoxed! I will have to ask one of the RV people!
  • SS
    Shane S.
    2 September 2021 @ 01:43
    Was there an email alert on Chilliz and Rally? I did not receive.
    • DP
      Daniel P.
      9 September 2021 @ 14:51
      I missed it too. What's the point of a model portfolio if the trades are hidden away. It's not intuitive at all. They do charge for the service so idk why they care so little about whether we get the trades. The entire point of paying for the subscription is so that we don't have to figure this out ourselves.
    • LM
      Lawrence M.
      2 September 2021 @ 06:46
      The recommendation was in Raul's last piece, but it's not easy to see if you skim through it. It would be nice if he had a trade recommendation segment like J.B