New Normal Insight – Monday October 5th

Published on: October 5th, 2020

Paul Hodges and his team at New Normal Consulting have put together a new weekly note, New Normal Insight, to identify the key changes in the wider landscape that will impact you and your business with a focus on critical areas of the economy including oil and financial markets. Real Vision Plus members will have bi-weekly access to The New Normal Insight and will receive a quarterly autos update from their other publication, The pH Report. You can learn more about The pH Report and New Normal Insight here:


  • AP
    Adam P.
    5 October 2020 @ 19:07
    This reminds me of ThinkTank. Love it.
    • MW
      Max W.
      5 October 2020 @ 20:15
      We are trying to get more written research out to our Plus members from external publishers. This is the first of many.
  • ES
    Edward S.
    6 October 2020 @ 20:38
    Nice. Would be cool to have a few trade opportunities included too.
  • JS
    John S.
    6 October 2020 @ 22:29
    Recasting WSJ charts or old news from the popular press is not really helpful. Actionable items with insight and analysis is more useful. Even if it is one paragraph, reasoned insight or exposure to new perspectives is much more helpful.
    • PH
      Paul H. | Contributor
      9 October 2020 @ 16:17
      Thanks for the advice, John - we will aim to benefit from it.
  • HW
    Hong W.
    9 October 2020 @ 18:27
    It is great research and writing. I enjoyed it.