Pro Crypto: Solving the Data Availability Problem

Published on: February 23rd, 2022

The Delphi team dives deep into Celestia and how it’s solving the data availability problem. In this issue, Delphi looks at how Celestia works, how it scales and why you should pay attention to it.


  • RC
    Rick C.
    23 February 2022 @ 22:20
    A bit technical for my reading. And no way to invest in it?
    • LM
      Lucas M.
      23 February 2022 @ 22:54
      Well said, to both your points!
  • CV
    Cody V.
    24 February 2022 @ 00:41
    I have a Pro Crypto membership. It says I am locked out of this report. Can Pro Crypto users read this report?
    • ET
      Emiliano T.
      24 February 2022 @ 01:19
      Yes, we can, there must be something wrong with your account.
  • KM
    Kyle M.
    24 February 2022 @ 13:28
    Of all the things going on right now, interesting that this topic was picked.
  • ka
    keenan a.
    25 February 2022 @ 21:04
    been looking forward to this! thanks!
  • vH
    valete H.
    27 February 2022 @ 22:02
    Is this token available (CELT?) and if so , where is a safe place to buy?
  • JR
    Jessica R.
    28 February 2022 @ 14:28
    Thank you for bringing attention to the data availability and blockchain topic. Though technical, it was well written and the hyperlinks and graphs helped a lot. Is there a glossary or website you can share that has the technical terms (shared in this article if possible) defined?