Pro Crypto: Valuing Layer 1s Memes, Money, More?

Published on: May 6th, 2022

This month’s Deep Dive comes to you early to share a hotly debated issue: How to value tokens. Delphi’s Jon Charbonneau offers insights in Valuing Layer 1s: Memes, Money, or More? with a comparison of ETH and SOL — representing the two network models in the space. Key points covered on the valuation topic: How crypto stacks up to traditional assets. Why scaling is critical, but is achieving meaningful scale enough? What could be the best way for L1 native assets to accrue revenue? When ETH could be considered a “currency.” And more. Share your thoughts on this eye-opening issue in the Pro Crypto Discord.


  • AG
    Al G.
    6 May 2022 @ 21:07
    Great report, thanks. FYI it looks like the last slide was a repeat rather than 2 of 2
  • MR
    Mark R.
    7 May 2022 @ 11:53
    Immediately stuck on the jargon: what does MEV stand for, until I go off and discover this means 'Miner Extractable Value'.
  • GB
    Gavin B.
    8 May 2022 @ 07:57
    This is the best report so far and is worth the price of admission. This really helped to reform my investment thesis. Thank you!
  • CN
    Chittur N.
    9 May 2022 @ 01:11
    Thanks for the great report! The conclusions regarding ETH L1/L2 investment thesis are similar to the "Bankless" podcasts. Appreciate if you can update the "leaderboard takeaways" table as it is repeated twice for ETH/SOL/LUNA/AVAX.
  • AH
    Alex H.
    9 May 2022 @ 07:02
    good stuff . Can you add Slide 2/2 in the comments? You have twice slide 1/2 on page 24 and 25. Appreciated
  • AP
    Adam P.
    11 May 2022 @ 15:20
    This is a "deep dive" that discusses Luna... Luna is down 98% since publishing. Perhaps we go deeper next time so we can learn of other ponzi schemes and not rely solely on price action?