Can the booming business cycle last?

It’s the Big Question: Can the booming business cycle last… or has it already peaked? This month on Real Vision, ​we’re talking with some of our original and legendary investors – as part of our celebration of Real Vision’s 7th birthday – as well as traders, CIOs and quants about the risks to economic recovery and the markets…


The Booming Business Cycle: Can It last?


  • September 3th
    Jurrien Timmer and Raoul Pal
  • September 7th
    Nancy Davis and Larry McDonald
  • September 10th
    Lakshman Achuthan and Raoul Pal
  • September 13th
    Louis Vincent Gave and Michael Green
  • September 14th
    Perth Tolle and Kyle Bass
  • September 15th
    Kai Wu and Dan Rasmussen
  • September 17th
    James Aitken and Raoul Pal
  • September 20th
    Ben Breitholtz and Jim Bianco
  • September 22nd
    Gio Valiante and Denise Shull
  • September 23rd
    Jeffrey Snider and Maggie Lake
  • September 27th
    Alex Gurevich and Raoul Pal
  • September 28th
    Joe Besecker and Marc Cohodes


  • October 1st
    Keith McCullough and Raoul Pal
  • October 5th
    Mike Green and Vicktor Svets
  • October 8th
    Jared Dillian and Peter Atwater
  • October 15th
    Teddy Vallee and Christian Alexander
  • October 25th
    Rick Bensignor and Jack Farley
  • October 26th
    Steven Van Metre and Darius Dale

Learning Journey

Past Interviews on the Business Cycle