
EssentialThe Essential Conversation

"How to Actually Trade the Yen"

Featuring Weston Nakamura

Aug 12, 2022 • 25 minutes


The Essential Conversation

"How to Actually Trade the Yen"

What's the best way to actually trade the yen across asset classes?



Featuring Weston Nakamura

Aug 12, 2022 • 25 minutes

Weston Nakamura is accepting a challenge from the Real Vision Community in the aftermath of his previous piece, “The Landing of the Rising Yen?” RV Members want to understand the different strategies for expressing Tokyo-based Weston Nakamura’s thesis about the Japanese yen. Getting back to his trading roots and looking at various instruments and structures, some of which are highly unconventional and don’t even touch foreign exchange markets, Weston explains exactly how to get directional exposure to the yen in the context of personal risk tolerance, time horizons, and investing objectives. This is not specific trading advice but is part of an effort to answer your questions and drive this conversation forward.

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The Essential Conversation is the world's premier financial-market-focused conversation series. The smartest people in markets, finance, economics, and business engage in deep-diving discussions about the global macro landscape, generating actionable takeaways that can help your decision-making process. Tune in to peer-to-peer conversations between the brightest minds in the investing world, and tune up your portfolio.

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