
EssentialThe Larry McDonald Series

Do Precious Metals Fit in Your Portfolio?

Featuring Adrian Day and Larry McDonald

Aug 23, 2022 • 58 minutes


The Larry McDonald Series

Do Precious Metals Fit in Your Portfolio?

Where we are in the cycle is a key factor when weighing exposure to assets like gold and silver.



Featuring Adrian Day and Larry McDonald

Aug 23, 2022 • 58 minutes

Commodities have generally outperformed since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020. But precious metals haven’t really shone during this period. Gold’s performance has been particularly lackluster given inflation continues to print at 40-year highs. Could quantitative tightening and the “normalization” of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet be a catalyst to at least reconsider the shiny rocks? Larry McDonald of The Bear Traps Report and Adrian Day of Adrian Day Asset Management talk about where we are in the cycle and why it matters when it comes to miners. Adrian also shares his thoughts on royalty companies and their suitability for precious metals exposure, the current status of global silver production, and how a “green” revolution will amplify powerful pre-existing supply-demand dynamics for metals such as copper. Recorded on August 16, 2022.

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Larry McDonald sits down with heavyweights from the intersecting worlds of finance and politics, bringing a unique conversational approach to Real Vision. The macro strategist and best-selling author teases out rare insights for traders and investors from these casual chats. Covering an array of global topics, he rounds out each interview by listing actionable ideas generated during the conversation. It's conversation as useful as it is compelling.

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Larry McDonald sits down with heavyweights from the intersecting worlds of finance and politics, bringing a unique conversational approach to Real Vision. The macro strategist and best-selling author teases out rare insights for traders and investors from these casual chats. Covering an array of global topics, he rounds out each interview by listing actionable ideas generated during the conversation. It's conversation as useful as it is compelling.

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