RV Blog Global-economy

Global Economy

Real Vision has launched a major new series — Looking for the Upside.

It’s fair to say that most economic predictions are… gloomy.

Looking for the Upside is going to do exactly what it promises. We’re going to focus on the opportunities that are arising from the state of the markets right now.

Think of it as an investigation. A journey of discovery.

At Real Vision, we’ve been around long enough to know that some of the greatest ideas and most interesting thinking come from you.

In this report, we’ll share our findings from the Looking for the Upside survey…

Oligopolies often have strict market parameters that prevent new players from entering the market, which limits competition. In an oligopoly, no one firm dominates the market. Instead, two or more firms share access to the market, which often leads to higher prices and less industry innovation.

We looked across financial markets to bring you a compilation of the wildest happenings during December 2020 & the first half of January 2021.

Lyn Alden and Travis Kling examine the current factors influencing Bitcoin’s price and adoption. How is Bitcoin correlated to the Federal Reserve’s actions and why may prices keep going up?

Gordon Ritter & Raoul Pal discuss the evolution of the software sector, the SaaS investing market, the future of machine learning, and more.

Dave Metzner explains what policy we can expect with a divided government, the response to COVID and anti-trust suits against big tech.

As the virus rages and the U.S. elections loom, Raoul Pal updates Real Vision members on his outlook for the dollar, banks, bonds, gold, and bitcoin.

Mike Green and Louis Vincent Gave deep dive into growing U.S. vs China economic battles. who is positioned to lead in the future? How is C.Y.A. undermining growth and causing risk aversion in Western society.

After flooding the world with unprecedented trillions in stimulus in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, governments and central banks will have no choice but to embrace blockchain — the technology that powers bitcoin


The latest news analysis on what’s next for our new global economy