RV Blog Investing


“We’re talking options — and how they can help your portfolio when used correctly.

Imran Lakha, a former market-maker turned educator and the founder of Options Insight, will serve as adjunct professor in this issue. Here’s Imran on why understanding options is so important…”

Real Vision has launched a major new series — Looking for the Upside.

It’s fair to say that most economic predictions are… gloomy.

Looking for the Upside is going to do exactly what it promises. We’re going to focus on the opportunities that are arising from the state of the markets right now.

Think of it as an investigation. A journey of discovery.

At Real Vision, we’ve been around long enough to know that some of the greatest ideas and most interesting thinking come from you.

In this report, we’ll share our findings from the Looking for the Upside survey…

Back in 2021, Nobel Prize-winning psychologist and economist Daniel Kahneman joined Real Vision for a mind-bending discussion on the psychology that drives human judgment. Alongside Josh Wolfe, the co-founder of venture cap firm Lux Capital, Kahneman enlightens us on the origins of cognitive bias, something he calls “decision hygiene,” and the powerful forces that determine our perception of life, success, and happiness.
Frankly, this interview is market agnostic. But in this age of information overload, polarization, and AI domination, understanding why we make decisions — and where we have blind spots — has never been more relevant.

We’re discussing why it’s so important to develop a repeatable trading process that suits your unique personality and goals. Our expert is Real Vision’s Mike Coolbaugh, who explains why this matters more than ever right now:

“Today’s market environment is one of the most challenging we’ve seen in decades. Even the legendary Stanley Druckenmiller recently suggested that this is the most difficult environment he’s seen in his 30-plus-year career. That’s why we’re focusing on how having a process can assist with these challenges.”

Here is a guide that will explain exactly what lithium is, what drives the lithium markets, evaluate if the metal is a good investment for the future, and outline the options for gaining exposure.

There’s nothing ordinary about Bill Browder’s life. After earning an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 1989, he moved to Russia with the intention of becoming the “biggest capitalist in Eastern Europe.” Bill’s dream manifested with the opening of the Hermitage Fund, which according to him, became the best-performing hedge fund in the world. In this captivating episode of My Life in 4 Trades, the venture capitalist turned political activist joins Maggie Lake to share some distinct highlights and harrowing downsides to his success: taking on and taking down business oligarchs of the old Soviet republics, the tragic death of his lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, and his emergence as Vladimir Putin’s number 1 enemy.

Todd Edgar was one of Wall Street’s star proprietary traders. Before he started Atreaus Family Office in 2019, he worked for some of the biggest names in investment banking. In this episode of My Life In 4 Trades, Todd shares the critical lessons he’s learned over nearly 3 decades in financial markets, explaining to Maggie Lake how “naïve optimism” helped shape his entrepreneurial mindset and why embracing lifelong learning is the key to success.

Alexander Stahel is a commodities investor and energy analyst. Coming from a family of cotton traders, he grew up in Switzerland before heading to the U.K. to start his career as an investment banker. Now he’s the founder and chief investment officer at Burggraben Holding and a Swiss-based value investor in public and private companies. In this episode of My Life in 4 Trades, Alexander explains why — just like golf — trading is not a perfect game. He also shares his advice on how to avoid missing blind spots and gives his predictions about the future of the energy space.

KPTL Arbitrage Management is one of the few crypto hedge funds that managed to profit from Terra’s crash. Its founding partner, Jay Janer, sheds insight on his time at the TradFi trading firms Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley. Plus, he shares his approach to navigating the world of digital assets and explains why agility is a key characteristic of successful traders, regardless of asset class.


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