Real Vision 2020: Distilled*

Yes. It’s that time of year. Where companies release the stats that show what a great year they had.

Of course we’re doing it too. Everyone is, aren’t they? But ours is… well, it’s better. Mainly because it’s your year, too. And also, we’re releasing what might be the greatest blooper of all time into the wild. Think we could all do with a laugh.

Let’s go. And bring on 2021. Cheers.


*Like The Distillery, but with a lot more bloopers.

The Crowd has Spoken...

What had you on the edge of your seat in 2020? (Apart from… just 2020 in general) No surprise to see Kyle, Hugh, and Raoul here. And all Real Vision contributors who are reading this… thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

Global Recession: What's Next?

“What’s going to happen next?” It’s the question on everyone’s mind, and no on…

The Third Act

Hugh Hendry, founder and former CIO of Eclectica Asset Management, joins Real…

The State of Global Macro through Coronavirus Chaos

Kyle Bass, founder and CIO of Hayman Capital, joins Real Vision’s Raoul Pal to break…

Lifetime Achievement Awards…

We’ve been around for 6 years, and we’ve had many interviews that have taken on cult status (even though they were bloody hard to find before we launched the new search functionality last week). Enjoy the top 3 of all time…

Stanley F. Druckenmiller

Druckenmiller has an unrivaled track record that spans many decades. But what might be most incredible is

Is Recession Coming? - with Raoul Pal

Raoul Pal sees rising risk of a global recession – and to the precarious…

Building an Investment Thesis - Kyle Bass

In what has fast become a Real Vision TV favorite, Kyle Bass, founder and CIO of Hayman Capital…

Total Minutes of Real Vision Content Viewed…

124,889,334 minutes of Real Vision content was watched. That’s more than 2 million hours (Yep, 2 MILLION).
That’s an increase of more than 150% of content watched in 2019.
The average Real Vision viewer watched 1,436 minutes of content.

It’s Hard To Watch Everything…

If you’ve seen all of these, well done. You’ve reached Level 11 in Real Vision fandom. If you didn’t, pour a drink and tuck into these 3 gems from 2020 that you may have missed.

Boaz Weinstein - Finding Relative Value Amid Credit Market Madness

Boaz Weinstein, founder and CIO of Saba Capital Management, made a name for himself at Deutsche…

Gerard Minack - "Buy the Rumor, Sell the Fact"

Gerard Minack, director of Minack Advisors, joins Real Vision CEO, Raoul Pal, for a wide-ranging discussion on…

DoubleLine's Global Bond Strategy: A Global Rates & FX Masterclass

Bill Campbell is the portfolio manager responsible for the Global Bond Strategy Fund…

Getting Together, Apart

We’d never done live events online before, so why not start off with 3 in 1 year? We don’t really do half measures at Real Vision – in rum or anything else(!) The Crypto Gathering, The Festival of Learning, and The Aftermath were runaway successes.

2021? Well… we have even bigger plans.

Real Vision Origin Story

Fund Manager Think Tank

How I Lost My Crypto Virginity

Real Vision Events 2020

16,725 people attended our online events.
114 sessions, held over 7 days.

Featuring 86 guests across nearly 50 hours of interviews and in-depth discussions.

Kings of the One Take (!)

Television, baby. It doesn’t always go to plan. And in Max’s case, it very dramatically didn’t go to plan in front of Plus, Pro, and Blacklist members. You’re welcome.

We fink this flagile adventure is reshession... f***.

Chaos everywhere. Ice-cream anyone?

This caption is beyond us. Feel free to submit at

King of the one take - it can be done.

Understand the Future of Everything

We only went and launched a full, free Crypto channel in partnership with BlockFi, Silvergate, and TradeStation this year. Haven’t told everyone you know that they can get free digital assets content every weekday? Now would be a good time…

The Bitcoin Life Raft and The New Bretton Woods

Real Vision CEO, Raoul Pal, breaks down the events leading to the recent tidal wave of interest in Central Bank Digital Currencies. He touches on the various crises that have encouraged the rampant printing by central banks and the destructive consequences this has left in its wake…

Ethereum - An Investigation

What is Ethereum? What problems was Ethereum created to solve? What might Ethereum become in the future? ‘Ethereum an Investigation’ attempts to answer these questions. This 90-minute documentary includes clips from interviews with key figures working on the core…

Two of the Best from Plus

If you’re a Plus member or higher, you get live interviews and Q&As every week (and access to some of the best bloopers). Enjoy two of the best from 2020…

The Recovery: Shape Matters - Live with Raoul Pal & Mike Green

If you’re a Plus member, you get live interviews and Q&As every week (and access to some of the best bloopers). Enjoy two of the best from 2020…

Flash Update: Three Coronavirus Outlooks and Ways to Play the Sell-off

With coronavirus fears plunging equity markets this week, there are three questions at the front of everyone’s mind. How low can equities go? Where will yields bottom out? And when will gold finally rip higher? Ed Harrison sets out to answer those questions in this ultra-timely…

Unmissable Stuff from Pro

2020 was the year that Insider Talks from Raoul and Julian went from a pre-record to live. And the year Raoul and Julian published a whole bunch of Flash Updates as the world fell apart in March. Enjoy these episodes we’ve made free for you to watch…

Flash Update - March 9, 2020

Raoul has a flash update on markets, this time in video format. The last few days have displayed some of the most extraordinary market movements of our lifetimes. Raoul discusses what is happening in multiple sectors, including oil, bonds, gold, and crypto, and…

Flash Update - March 24, 2020

Raoul and Julian come together today to provide a quick Flash Update and discuss the trickle-down effects of market movements happening now, the central banks’ most recent policy actions, and the upcoming stimulus packages.

Real Vision Guests

394 guests appeared on Real Vision in 2020.
The number of LIVE guests on Real Vision this year was 101
Who appeared most often? Mike Green and Tony Greer both appeared 16 times this year.

Killer Stats

OK. So maybe not “killer” stats but… for some reason… we actually spent time going to research the answers to these questions and more (don’t ask) – so we thought why not share them?

Real Vision Blog: Daily Briefing - A Chokehold on Credit


Number of times Ed said “Looking good, Billy Ray” to Ash.


Total number of times guests said “fuck” – and that doesn’t include Live events. Just the ones that made it through Editing.


The number of messages Milton answered. That’s up 60% on last year.

Looks Like 20-F**king-20

It wasn’t an easy year for anyone. We like to think we helped make it a little easier for you from a financial perspective. But a lot of things happened that were just… 2020 in a nutshell. Earthquakes and interviews in the rain and a bloodied and concussed Hugh Hendry? Classic 2020.

Broader Audience

At the time our writing, our YouTube channel is approaching 50 million views and more than 415,000 subscribers. Click to Subscribe.

Did you know we also have a dedicated Real Vision Daily Briefing channel? Subscribe here.
Real Vision podcasts had more than 7 millions downloads. Check us on Apple or Spotify or however you listen to your podcasts.

Needs no introduction

2020 was also the year that The Coconut Girls became famous, both on Twitter and on the platform. The more dog-time the better, we say.

Bring on 2021 with Real Vision

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